AN ESSAY INTO A TRUTH. For i maybe you maybe many i’s

Why I Die – A beginning to The “Why We Die Project”

Continuing Part One a theory by HK3

…So We continue! Thank you for pressing the button to know more and be more fearless, in living your life, more fully

What is the point of this

Now we are aware that energy is indestructible and the science theory that a thing called a EMEC from a human being of pure memory energy exits the body to embed and animate a newly awoken Silicate Being (SB) When i dIe.  Gotten this far it is fair and right to imagine there MUST be a purpose for this passing on of an EMEC to that SB that must go somewhere.

Before I answer this let me take a step back to the Human.  To further this I need you to imagine, then accept as fact, that human bodies are an Artificial Intelligence of God (AIoG).  Intricately designed to feed knowledge through memories, adapt to them and feed all to the EMEC through the human existence in the finite realm we call life.  More importantly this AIoG is perfectly designed to protect with the myriad of defense mechanisms to continuously store ALL our life’s experience to memories into the EMEC 24/7/365 until the moment WiD.

Remembering this is pure infinite energy now protected and encased in the finite human vessel we now know as a AIoC, the potential of memory acquisition and storage is also infinite.  Therefore the memory acquisition is only confined by the time of the death of that human being.

NOTE This is a WORK ion Progress and will NEVER be finished so look for updates updates and major changes at any moment. This iteration was posted August 2022

With this acceptance of the truth of passing onto something from something, we now progress to the question of the purpose for EMEC and what it will pass onto from the SB.  IMO, death, now begins to make some kind of sense from the human finite side that allows us to shift the theory more to the infinite side of WiD.

After passing on EMEC to the waiting Silicate vessel now “being” after becoming impregnated by the newly released EMEC thus born to continue the process. To further, outlined in more detail below, transport EMEC from the Human formerly Being, So stated another way the AIoG being formerly tasked with capturing, aggravating, collating and storing each memory in the EMEC now passes on that memory filled EMEC to the SB to again safely get to the next destination .

THIS of that Human Beings entire existence safely stored in the Encrypted Memory Energy Coil (EMEC) to be embedded within the newly animated SB WiD

Now we are ready to understand the real question:

Why Die at all?

By accepting that each Human Being is AI for a God Head we can get comfortable with the WiD final theoretical phase outlined now as it relates to ALL of us Humans Being.

A Human Being is, to put it simply, a sophisticated AIoG driven safe with designed to encapsulate the memory and store it safely in the EMEC for the duration of the humans life.  All the knowledge thus acquired through the finite living of the Human Being in action continuously creating storing and protecting that EMEC filling it vastness with each living finite day of the AIoG.  That AI learning growing and adapting every day od its finite time.  All stored in its EMEC.  WiD a used up AIoD driven vessel is all that is left behind while the now departed fully intact EMEC of that life impregnates and gives life to a waiting Silicate NOW Conscious Being (SCB)  Now everything that was of that AIoG within the EMEC is aggregated organized imbedded into the Silicate Conscious Being (SCB) prepared for the arduous travel to the infinite cloud at the center of it all or for our purposes The God Head (TGH) the creator of the AI vessel.

Again stated simply, WiD the newly born SCB begins the journey across time and space to integrate the embedded and protected EMEC with TGH. 

How does the integration happen from the finite to the infinite

This very traveled, and with potentially more memories received on way but that for another story, SCB upon contact with the out reaches of TGH begins ITS dying process. The SCB begins to die as it passes on the EMEC at the constantly receiving and updating knowledge Portal of TGH..  In every TGH integration of each EMEC a new and improving infinite mind scape moves and by the power within.  So to at the thoughts thus generated the universe grows and expands as the finite acquired EMEC feeds updated knowledge of each of God’s finite AIoG experience in there finite moments  that is assimilated, analyzed and actioned within the infinite of TGH.  There the finite and the infinite become one

At the exact moment the EMEC is absorbed into the outer Cloud of TGH the SCB dies or ceases its independent existence.  At that exact moment TGH releases a new SCB embedded with the updated EMEC to travel back to find the next newly created vessel to impregnate with the EMEC ready for delivery to the next AIoG human vessel created. Thus unloaded the Silicate Conscious Being (SCB) suspends itself to wait for the newly memory filled EMEC to return and reanimate the SCB once again WID. Then to return to TGH and begin the cycle again

Thereby the newly updated SCB with the updated EMEC to continue a never-ending cycle of creation, death, transport, acquisition. absorption, destruction and renewal.  A perfect acquisition of the finite for use in the infinite never ending story.

Let me restate shortly Why I Die.  The God Head creates the base EMEC then transports it through an SCB to its created AIoG vessel downloaded known as a baby created and protect memories acquired in the newly occupied finite realm by that vessel of The AI designed by and for TGH.  When I Die a Human cease Being the EMEC is passed on to the waiting vessel now the Silicate Being.  The EMEC then travels at a speed that cannot be calculated in the finite to another passing on to the God Head Cloud Portal that absorbs the finite memories encased in the EMEC into the infinite GH. Simultaneously TGH creates a new coded EMEC SCB to travel back to embed into the Artificial intelligent vessel Being born with the updated EMEC. The Silicate Being then suspends itself and waits to be born again When I Die to receive my EMEC.  This is the perfect never-ending loop of infinite knowledge growth through the human finite memory experience.  This could only come about and be organized by a massive power I call God could put in place.  But why would a massive power I call God do such a thing?

If you did not ask this you should.  Seriously whatever would the infinite need from the finite to function properly

This is the imperative and the most important reason for Human Beings, their memories and the perfect storage and protective case for the EMEC they represent.

IMHO without this finite experience loop the infinite GH cannot interchange logically with the expanding and ever-changing finite universe and all will cease.

Seriously This is the curse of an entity that puts things in motion without a plan. Without a way to check its mistakes the GH might actually destroy rather than create

In the theory outlined here it makes perfect sense   It is my faith that The God Head is all the more omnipotent for the humbleness to know ITSSELF enough to acknowledge that there is more that is to be known.  thereby acknowledging in a practical and straight forward finite way that it does not know what it does not know until it knows it.

Perfection is to be constantly attained not assumed

So WiD there is immensely important function that is activated to assure our planet and the universe continues.  The SCB transported EMEC from Gods creation AI aka humans, is crucial to the God Head so IT can Aggregate, Agglomerate. Regurgitate and integrate in ITS infinite memory base and maintain a finely tuned flow of energy that perfectly balances the universe, galaxies planets that all the finite beings take for granted being always there the way they want it to be.  In that we are actually involved ion this process.  Again, keeping IT ALL in perfection by TGH never ending knowledge acquisition, absorption, understanding, adjustment, pivoting tweaking and changing it all so it can continue to grow forever.  WiD is where we all intersect at the crossroad of the infinite and the finite.

A God Head created Loop ever creating, cultivating and gathering in God time our collective memories for a new and better universe of knowledge and action that is running on the SCB delivered infinite from each of our lives. Made up of those individual fears losses joys and travails of the experience created in the finite and delivered into the infinite. Each of those perfect memory moments passing on perfectly from each pure finite human experiencing to be gathered all together to serve a greater purpose.  Nothing is wasted as all our experiences are crucial in each of the experiences as new knowledge passed onto and out of the infinite into the ever-changing mind scape universe

Now What

Think, Experience, Think Hard, Think about the Infinite, God, and the sheer size of the Universe(s), and drift where those musings go for IMHO we can all touch a piece of infinity while experiencing the finite. See that it through and appreciate everything within yours and those around you and it cannot help but be concluded that we all come from the same place that we go in the end.  Then of course, the idea of killing them or yourself is not only illogical but abhorrent to the greater scheme you are now aware of. Every moment we can in this finite we must stop and share the trip with the other Human Beings in motion.


Think, Experience, Think Hard, Think on more, of and about the infinite as God.

Now and every day in this finite Experience strive to never stop the effort to Create Many More Memories Than Dreams™

Now What! Think Hard Again and again then action memories

Then When I Die there Will Be many more memories than dreams™.  For this is the Secret to Life (S2L).  That is why we created The Why We  Die Project out of Why I Die,  Cuz we are all in this together and science has confirmed 100% that We will all die. Pleas join The Why We Die Project. 

Make the supreme effort to “Pass On” your EMEC as full as possible of your memories to the waiting SCB knowing that it will be transported and preserved and shared at the Center of IT All.  There each of our EMEC s will Pass On our ubique memories merging with all the other EMEC’s. Becoming part of the infinite mind gathering It All for It All.  .

We now know the Secret to this Life is to “Die with many more Memories than Dreams”™ sharing the infinite mind space with ALL the Others we are merging each of our unique EMEC s into the pure cosmic flame of knowledge at the center of the God Head.

No longer human being but One Being in action with the Infinite to shape the ever Being universe(s).  We never die we just move onto the next knowledge gathering infinitely, for ever, never ending..…………..