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What we hear when we die

the greatest ride off earth and we think so little about it.


Part of The Why We Die Project

Why I Die

Part One a theory by HK3

Interestingly, often times, when a human dies we say so and so has “passed on” which seems a softer version of saying so and so died. 

As the thesis following outlines it does seem that “Passing On” is what most likely transpires. In this spirit the essay progresses as a passing on as in passing on from the finite to the infinite

The Question we will answer is what exactly is passing on from the Human “Being” finite through the portal of death into the forever we will call infinity from here on.

The italics on Being are purposeful in that as a verb it describes more truly the basis of WiD theory, that of “being” as in action during our time in the finite.

Although seemingly temporary, clearly “being” human, as differentiated from the animals, is predicated on the simple and irrefutable fact that we truly know we will, are and must die.  Not fight or flight instinct shit but really know the permanence of its ending

The other finite creatures in this finite plane do not or cannot know this.

Having gotten preliminaries out of the way, below the theory of Why I Die (WID) in as few words as possible is outlined to save your time in getting through it and onto the Secret to Life (S2L) culled from these musings

As stated Human ”Being” have the gift of knowledge (sometimes referred to as fire of knowledge or curse if you ask Adam and Eve) of their passing on from their Human ”Being” to Being infinite? .  So then, the concept stated by many in science that we simply cease, boom light switches off, must be absurd and seems an insult to the depths our minds can go.  WiD is a legitimate science fiction, assuming always that it is fiction, story proving that the human simply ceasing is not only impossible but highly insulting, until it is science, to prove that of human being absolute self ceasing must not be the case

Before we move on it is now imperative that we at least have a working knowledge of WiD through this passing on.  BTW those that have witnessed an actual passing on will testify that there is in fact a movement.  If possible each of you really must take the time to witness the miracle of a passing on for it is yours too

To fully understand the WiD theory please accept as irrefutable the natural law that energy is indestructible.  Since this is scientifically proven true we can now accept that any energy stored within our mortal vessel is therefore indestructible. Now we can wonder to what purpose must this indestructible ,immortal, energy serve as it passes from the body WiD .

Purpose begins with the jorney I postulate that the energy released WiD is passed to a new vessel we will call the Silicate Conscious  Being (SCB) leaving behind only the Human physical form no longer being.   The energy, we will call Encrypted Memory Energy Coil (EMEC), passed from the human is then embedded in the SCB. Simply the energy now passed out of the dead human as a EMEC inserted into the SCB sits in readiness.

That is It. Why I Die is to simply pass on our EMEC to a waiting SB. Noy likely from her on we will attempt to outline all that happens after the SB file transfer of the EMEC is completed…..

What is the point of this

This theory liberates us from the fear of death, by allowing us to embrace IT with just the right amount of “control” applied to our daily conscious actions. By applying this theory to our time here we can “live” a joyous and complete life.  All this, including the secret to life,  I will give you for free no strings.  Pass it on begin the movement so in three generations a propound change will take place.   It does not matter how much time one is actually here, in this finite we call life, it is what we feed back into the loop that matters

It is all about quality of life over quantity of time.  Time here in this finite realm is an illusion but the illusion has a profound and deep purpose. In the end will will show that it is awesomely OK.

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